Can Capitalism Last? A Marxist Update
was hoped that Danny Rubin's Can
Capitalism Last? would
fill an important gap in Marxism for the post-Soviet world, enriching
theory with new data especially from today's United States.
those hopes have not been realized. The author's answer to the title
question, "Can Capitalism Last?" amounts
to "maybe yes, maybe no."
To be fair, Rubin
presents clear explanations of some basic
Marxist concepts.
on the whole his account is muddied by much confusion and
agnosticism. This is alarming, coming from a long-time Communist
of answering how we can get out of the latest stage of capitalist
hell, Can Capitalism
Last? ends
up stepping back from a thoroughly scientific Marxist-Leninist
approach to the understanding of capitalism, necessary for its
revolutionary overthrow.
His biggest retreats from Marxism --
presented as "updates" -- can be found in, for example,
revolutionary strategy and Marxist political economy.
offers a strategy for getting to socialism by a majoritarian
coalition (required to avoid any violence) that will gradually curb
the power of monopolies, the source of our problems today. Rubin
claims a revolution can be sudden or gradual. This coalition
will then broaden out to include more forces that will replace
capitalism with a variety of forms of socialism (i.e. without
eliminating private ownership and with ownership by different social
groups, not necessarily the working class as a whole) to ensure it is
He believes this evolutionary process of
creating the culture of a majoritarian coalition will take a long
time. More likely, in this reviewerÂs opinion, it will be a
never-ending story. Rubin says Obama's electoral
coalition, for example, is the kind of loose coalition that is the
seedling for this process, winning demands based on the current
levels of political consciousness The working class's role is
leading (or in the process of becoming a leading role) not because of
its advanced ideology but just by its sheer organizational
Let's scrutinize some of his "updates" to
the Marxist legacy.
As Rubin points out CPUSA leader William
Z. Foster in Twilight of World Capitalism conceived the strategy of
an anti-monopoly coalition, made up of all forces suffering from the
power of the capitalist monopolies, a more specific goal than
overthrowing the capitalist class as a whole. The direct economic aim of this anti-monopoly coalition was to actually
nationalize the monopolies. How else can monopolies be
curbed? The key idea for why monopolies have the power they
do is that power comes from the ownership of the means of production,
that is, private capitalist property.
Instead of
breaking the back of corporate power by taking monopoly property into
public ownership, a key task of the anti-monopoly stage of democratic
struggle as conceived by Foster, Rubin says we can "curb"
monopoly power with regulations and kindred reforms and is loathe to
nationalize monopolies completely. The truth is ,in the long
run, regulations are limited by the simple fact of who owns the
dominant means of production and who holds state power - the
monopoly capitalists or the working class? Rubin quietly has
denied the main economic task of such a coalition, decisively
weakening then ending private monopoly power by nationalizing it. Instead of an update we get an reformist evisceration of a Marxist
One of Rubin's most dangerous "updates" is
that our role as Communists is not to raise consciousness but to
work within
the current levels of consciousness. This
amounts to a repudiation of the leading role of the revolutionary
party. He cites a passage from Lenin's What Is To Be Done
allegedly proving that Communists should work with the working class
and broader population at their current levels of consciousness .
ignores the whole point of Lenin's call, to raise their
consciousness to
higher levels rather
than accommodate existing consciousness in the name of
Rubin uses the ultra-left as a straw man to
counter-pose "unity" and "consciousness-raising."
In fact, consciousness-raising can actually forge greater unity, as
anyone who has actually organized will know. Of course,
activists need to become more aware of what's happening
politically in order to unite with other people to change the
situation. That's our role since The Communist Manifesto, to
understand "the line of march" of the whole
Rubin belittles dialectics. One of Marx's key
concepts of how change happens in society is that gradual,
imperceptible changes build up to a point where there is a seemingly
sudden change in the whole nature of what's changing, like a
capitalist society becoming socialist. In Hegel's classic
example from nature -- water heating up doesn't look any different
than unheated water. But when it reaches the boiling point it changes
from a liquid to a gas in a sudden qualitative transformation.
Rubin's update tries to mish-mash this dialectical
connection into a claim that revolution can be either sudden or
gradual. He ignores that a revolution is the sudden part of the
process of social change. It is preceded by reforms that gradually
raise the level of consciousness and political activity of the
people, a rise that Rubin fears will disrupt unity.
conflates reform and revolution. To be sure, the struggle for reform
is a necessary part of bringing about revolution, but it is
not the same thing as revolution. To deny sudden changes by calling
gradual changes "a revolution" is simple reformism.
whole approach of a seemingly endless series of gradual reforms and
developments is the same kind of revisionism that denied that the
Russian Revolution was possible. When that mighty revolution
occurred revisionists and reformists said Russia was trying to go too
fast. Denying revolution as a qualitative transformation of
capitalism necessarily means an endless program of gradual reforms.
In a manner of speaking, Rubin is afraid of the pot boiling over, so
he wants us to believe we can make do with merely watching it get
In the transition from capitalism, some forms of
ownership short of the working class as a class owning most of the
means of production is unavoidable. As Stalin pointed out in Soviet
economic debates in the late 1940s on a new textbook on political
economy, a society can only arrive at Communism when there is enough
production for superabundance, i.e., to meet all needs.
Rubin's idea of "multiple forms" and "multiple paths" in effect takes the "transition" out of "transition time." He changes the necessity of transitional patterns of mixed ownership
into a positive virtue, and indeed into a guarantee of democracy! The
whole point of transition is for the working class -- wielding state power -- to take ownership of the means of
production as a class and use public property for its class
interests, as it transforms the social relations of production.
 Leaving property in the hands of individuals and cooperatives
for a long time not only leaves the struggle between the
different forms of ownership unresolved, it is also amounts to
throwing one's hands up in surrender. It is a formula for enabling
class adversaries to restore capitalism.
idea of the NEP -- which was conceived before War Communism
and not as an after-thought as Rubin alleges, -- was centered
on a struggle to find the correct forms of transition to full
large-scale public ownership. Rubin has -- in the name of
Lenin -- taken out the revolutionary heartbeat of the NEP
One of the distinctions between Marxist-Leninists and
other types of socialists is that we have an understanding of human
history that holds that the proletariat is the class within
capitalism that only survives by selling its labor-power. It is the
emerging class that has an interest in establishing communism and so
must lead the other social forces in overthrowing capitalism.
class leadership role is first made meaningless in Rubin's call to
not raise consciousness beyond existing levels in the name of unity.
He also weakens the very idea of "leading" by saying
leading doesn't mean actually leading others to somewhere but just
by being there with bodies and money, by mobilizing for elections
rather than driving the agenda and demands. Rubin's
concept of the leading role of the working class is to follow what
the Democratic Party's candidate says, to "lead" by
providing resources.
Marx pointed out that bourgeois
economists will always have an explanation for capitalism's
behavior because they can always find superficial explanations from
the complexity of capitalist life. Such explanations don't stand
up to scrutiny, however. To really understand something you have to
get beneath the surface and look at the interconnections and
historical development of its key contradictions. In
attempting to update Marx's political economy Rubin has undone
Marx's scientific work with glib and confused
Rubin's understanding of the political economy
of capitalism is one of the clearest places where his updates are a
retreat to the very surface observations Marx criticized his
contemporaries for, and from which Marxism has liberated us. For
example, Rubin reduces anti-monopoly struggle to regulation, as if
capitalism's contradictions can be solved by better regulating
capitalism. As for the economic cycle, Rubin says capitalists
overestimate the demand for their products and then over-correct,
which leads to booms and slumps.
opens the door for the illusion that capitalist crises are merely an
information problem, that streamlining production to provide
just-in-time information and just-in-time delivery could make the
problem go away. This is a retreat from Marx's analysis, which
says that the rate of profit ultimately falls from increases in
productivity, which reduces the values of commodities. Rubin recycles
fad theories like "financialization" instead of enriching and
extending theory with new historical experience.
In Capital Volume III Marx wrote about the internationalization
of capitalist crisis. He showed that some countries might delude
themselves that they have escaped from others' economic crisis. But
the crisis would catch up to them. As monopoly became dominant, Lenin
updated this idea to explain that, because of the increased
interconnectedness of the world economy, economic crisis in the age
of imperialism has a general character.
in the name of making a further update, rejects this analysis of Marx
and Lenin by claiming it is an innovation of Stalin. He says, "there
is no reason to think we will go through a generalized capitalist
crisis". Given the crisis of 2008-2010 it would seem Rubin's
update itself needs an update.
Marx's clear explanation is
that capitalist crisis stems from the contradictions of production
itself and not a lack of regulation, a social-democratic explanation.
This is obscured by Rubin under agnostic arguments about how the
world has become more "complex" than in Marx's day. So,
he avers, we cannot predict in advance when a tendency Marx observed
will prevail and when it will be countervailed by forces Marx himself
This is like saying we can't predict the
weather anymore and throwing our hands up in surrender. The whole
point of a Marxist update is to update the science to new phenomena,
not to jettisoning received time-tested theory that has been largely
correct. Rubin admits that he's abandoned the very project
his book title promises when he says "it is now much more
difficult to make reliable predictions of the concrete path of
capitalist development."
Rubin accuses the Soviets of
dogmatism, by ignoring or understating the role of the law of value
under socialism. But it's Rubin who is here treating laws of
science as if they were divine laws. The law of gravity says objects
are drawn towards larger objects within their gravitational field,
but should we then accuse pilots of violating the law of gravity? On
the contrary, aeronautical engineering uses a scientific
understanding of the law of gravity to overcome the forces of
have left out of this review many other important distortions of
Marxism depicted as "updates." We still badly need a Marxist
update of general theory for our country and our times. Rubin has
tried but failed to meet a genuine need.
Life often
presents new phenomena. To update Marxism, let us explain new
phenomena by building on and extending Marxist theory, instead of --
in the name of changing with the times dumbing down the incisive
contributions of Marxist-Leninist classics to meaningless
As Lenin said in Materialism and Empirio-Criticism:
a word, every ideology is historically conditional, but it is
unconditionally true that to every scientific ideology (as distinct,
for instance, from religious ideology), there corresponds an
objective truth, absolute nature. You will say that this distinction
between relative and absolute truth is indefinite. And I shall reply:
yes, it is sufficiently "indefinite" to prevent science from
becoming a dogma in the bad sense of the term, from becoming
something dead, frozen, ossified; but it is at the same time
sufficiently "definite" to enable us to dissociate ourselves in
the most emphatic and irrevocable manner from fideism and
agnosticism, from philosophical idealism and the sophistry of the
followers of Hume and Kant. Here is a boundary, which you have not
noticed, and not having noticed it, you have fallen into the swamp of
reactionary philosophy. It is the boundary between dialectical
materialism and relativism.
Capitalism Last? A Marxist Update
by Daniel Rubin
Y., International Publishers, 2009, $10.
Reviewed by Simon Capehart