Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Saleh Waziruddin Remarks to Niagara Regional Council on Joining the Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities

My name is Saleh Waziruddin from St. Catharines and I am representing the Niagara Region Anti-Racism Association. I am glad to see Regional government taking action to catch our region up in an area we should have been doing so much more in. To make our commitment translate into reality and to come up with a serious plan, we do need the spending commitment recommended by staff. We need a real commitment with funding to make the kind of plan that worth following-through and funding for real change.

If we don't have a real improvement in equity in this region, including employment equity starting right here with municipal governments, we'll continue seeing a brain drain of racialized and queer youth, including from Brock University, who don't see themselves represented in the few good jobs here. We need leadership from the Region and other governments so that the private sector can then follow.

Lastly I do need to express my disappointment for the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination dropping the term “Against Racism” in favor of “Inclusive”, which I realize is something outside of your control. There is an elected official here who has pointed out very correctly that he is the first Polish-Canadian to be elected to his position. That may be “inclusive” but it is definitely not anti-Racism. St Catharines recently added dedicated advisory committees for Anti-Racism and 2SLGBTQ+ issues and I urge the Region to do the same when the time comes, as one over-arching committee cannot adequately address these issues when we look at what we need to do to catch up where we've fallen so far behind.

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