(PLEASE NOTE there are accompanying documents:
- "Past Cover-ups of Sexual Misconduct and Assault by the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the Communist Party of Canada (CPC)", a public version of a long letter I sent to the Central, Audit, and Appeals Committees of the Communist Party on June 23 outlining a long history of cover-ups and retaliation;
- Three Facts on Remarks Made By the Central Leader About the Crisis in the Communist Party - Letter to the Central, Audit, and Appeals Committees, June 30, 2022
- Emergency Resolution on the Crisis in the Communist Party of Canada - Eric Blair Club, St. Catharines/Niagara, Ontario, June 26, 2022 (Emergency Club meeting)
- "Farewell to Bonsai Communism", a review of ideological problems and practices with the Communist Party of Canada (forthcoming);
-"An Introduction to Revisionism", a critique of the Communist Party's "Introduction to Marxism" book copied almost word for word from the Communist Party of Britian (forthcoming also))
July 4, 2022
To: Members of the CPC Central, Audit, and Appeals Committees
Re: My resignation from the Communist Party of Canada effective immediately
I am resigning from the Communist Party of Canada effective immediately because I have tried, through my letter to the Central, Audit, and Appeals Committees dated June 23, 2022, to outline several cover-ups of sexual and other misconduct by top leaders of the Party, and retaliation for trying to bring attention to this misconduct. There has been no direct response to me, and the Central Leader's keynote speech at the 40th Central Convention said the lie that I had launched a campaign of cross-country phone calls. I had demonstrated in my letter why this is a particularly cruel fabrication.
I joined the Communist Party in the USA and then in Canada to do my part in the fight against imperialism, settler-colonialism, capitalism, racism, and patriarchy, united through democratic centralism. Instead the unity through democratic centralism is being used against members to perpetuate patriarchy and racism, the opposite of why I became a member.
I used to think the working class membership, which believes in revolution and organization, would be the guarantee that despite its mistakes the Communist Party, through experience with real life and internal debates, would find the necessary and correct direction to strike its blows for knocking out capitalism. Instead I found that a minority which perpetuates itself through grooming proteges who have not been tested in struggle and don't challenge the leadership rises to the top, and binds the membership in a kind of straight-jacket where there is left-wing rhetoric, but only as a cover for ideology which serves imperialism and reaction. An example is the demonization of Iran, something I have spoken about since the year I joined, in 2007, which lead to us also demonizing the governments of Libya and Syria when imperialism attacked, e.g. saying in 2012 the Syrian government purposely impoverishes its citizens in order to control them.
And so when it comes time to be counted the membership is delivered into the service of imperialism and reaction rather than being the weapon which will bring it down. Left-wing rhetoric serves only as a cover and lip service to fool the membership.
S. Saleh Waziruddin
St. Catharines, Ontario (formerly Organizer of the Eric Blair Club)
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