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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Volunteer Side-by-Side with Cubans on the Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade!

(from Jan/Feb issue of Amistad, Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto, Vol.40.1)

Volunteer Side-by-Side with Cubans

on the

Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade!

The annual Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade of Canadians from across the country will be going to Cuba in the last week of May and first week of June for 2019. This is a unique way for all ages to learn about Cuba through volunteering side-by-side with Cubans in their everyday environment

The Brigade will be going to Matanzas, a centre of Afro- Cuban culture which had a key role in Cuba's independence movement, and this includes a day trip to the Bay of Pigs. The volunteers will also be spending time in Havana which is celebrating its 500th anniversary this year, a rare opportunity. The Brigade has for many years been a special way for Canadians to learn about Cuba not just because of the volunteer work (suited to fit all abilities and ages) where you can interact with Cubans, but also because of the special face to face meetings with Cubans from all kinds of organizations such as the Women's federation, unions, veterans of the revolution, youth and student organizations. You'll have time to ask them all the burning questions you've been wondering about, to the very Cubans who have the direct experience with those issues.

We are still waiting for the cost of the brigade and final dates are subject to flights. However, we are hoping to keep the land portion at $1,000 Canadian. (The air flight from Canada is separate.)

Those who need help fundraising to go should have no fear as we've seen in previous years people have been able to raise more than they need in just weeks through online and other sources. The Brigade coordinator can help walk you through the steps and we have tips proven to work in the past.

If you have any questions, please contact the Brigade

Coordinator: Saleh Waziruddin at or 289 990 7683.

The Brigade is on twitter @chevolbrigade

or Facebook